SHENYANG Metro Passenger Rules
In order to ensure the orderly operation of metro and create a safe, convenient and harmonious environment for the passengers, the rules are made in accordance with the Regulations on the Construction and Operation Management of Metro in Shenyang.
Anyone entering the premises of metro (including entrance and exit, elevator, passageway, concourse, and car) shall follow the rules, accept and cooperate with the management and security check of metro staff to maintain the orderliness of the train services.
Passengers should voluntarily follow the ticketing and safety guidelines of the metro, cooperate with security check at metro stations, and follow instructions from metro staff. In the event of disputes, passengers may report to metro staff, but should not disrupt the normal operation of the train.
We advocate the virtues of respecting the elderly and caring for the young, as well as civilized behavior while riding public transport. Passengers should actively give up their seats and offer assistance to the elderly, young, sick, disabled, pregnant, those carrying infants, or any other passengers in need.
Passengers using wheelchairs, pushing strollers, carrying luggage, or with limited mobility should use the accessible elevator. The accessible elevator should be prioritized for passengers who need it.
Children under school age, drunk persons, mentally ill persons, disabled persons and other passengers who have difficulty in movement should be accompanied by someone when entering the station and boarding the train.
Individuals engaging in uncivilized behavior such as going shirtless or those who may pose a threat to the safety of other passengers, such as those with highly contagious diseases, are not permitted to enter stations or board trains.
Each adult passenger can bring one child under 1.3 meters tall free of fare. If bringing more than 1 child under 1.3 meters, you should buy ticket for the other child/children.
Active military personnel, armed police, on-duty firefighters and rescuers, revolutionary disabled soldiers, people's police disabled in the line of duty, blind people, and retired cadres can each enjoy free train rides with relevant certificates such as Non-commissioned Officer Certificate, Conscription Soldier Certificate, Firefighter Certificate, Certificate of Disabled Soldier of the People's Republic of China, Disabled People's Police Certificate of the People's Republic of China, Blind People's Riding Certificate, and Honorary Certificate for Retired Cadres (Specific ranges of preferential treatment for each group can be found in the ticketing rules posted at the station).
Passengers shall board the train with a valid ticket or identification, and shall not board without a ticket, with an invalid ticket, by using others' passenger identification falsely or by using forged identification. Passengers who use others' passenger identification falsely or use forged identification to board the train shall be dealt with according to law.
Passengers should follow the following boarding rules after entering the station:
Passengers should actively accept the security check and not disrupt the order of the security check;
Passengers should enter the station in an orderly manner, queue up at the designated area marked on the ground, refrain from walking, sitting or lying down near the edges of the platform and placing personal belongings there. Do not push or crowd each other and avoid leaning or blocking the platform doors or train doors;
When boarding or exiting a train, please do so in an orderly manner by giving way to alighting passengers, and please be aware of the gap between the train and the platform. When the door light is flashing or the door closing alert sounds, please do not forcefully board or disembark the train;
Passengers should queue up and swipe their card or insert their ticket in order when entering or exiting the station through the gate. They are not allowed to forcibly ram into the gate. Passengers with wheelchairs, strollers, or luggage should choose the wider gate for passage;
When a parent leads a child through the gate, he/she should either carry the child or have the child stick close to him/her to pass through the gate together;
When riding the escalator, please pay attention to safety by standing firmly and holding onto the handrail. Do not lean against the sides of the escalator. Please read the Rules for Safe Riding posted near the escalator for other related requirements. When riding the train, please stand firmly and hold on to the handrail. Do not lean on the doors, handrails, or connections between train cars;
Passengers should consciously maintain civilized and hygienic conditions in the station and train car, refrain from stepping on seats in the station and car, avoid lying on seats, and not engage in dangerous activities using handrails and railings on the train;
Passengers should pay attention to their belongings carried on board. If an item is accidentally dropped onto the track area, please contact the metro staff immediately. If you find someone's lost property, please hand it over to the subway staff;
In the event of an accident within the premises of metro, passengers should remain calm and follow the instructions of metro staff. If an emergency evacuation is necessary, passengers must evacuate in an orderly manner under the guidance of metro staff or announcements on the PA system;
Other passenger etiquette that should be followed to ensure safe and smooth transportation;
Passengers are prohibited from bringing the following animals or items into the station:
(一) 活禽和貓、狗(導盲犬除外)以及其他可能妨礙地鐵運營的動物;
Live poultry, cats, dogs (except for guide dogs), and other animals that may hinder metro operation;
(二) 易燃、易爆、有毒和有放射性、腐蝕性以及其他可能危及人身和財產安全的危險物品;
Highly flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive, corrosive, and other hazardous materials that may pose a risk to the safety of persons and property;
(三) 槍械彈藥和管制刀具,國家安全、軍務、警務等特種人員持有效證件執行公務的除外;
Firearms, ammunition, and regulated knives, except for special personnel carrying valid certificates for national security, military affairs, law enforcement, and other official duties;
(四) 嚴重異味、無包裝易碎和尖銳的物品;
Items with a strong odor, as well as easily breakable or sharp objects without proper packaging;
(五) 充氣氣球等可能影響地鐵設施安全,危及乘客人身安全的物品;
Inflatable balloons and other objects that may pose a threat to the safety of subway facilities and passengers;
Items such as bicycles, electric bikes, and fuel-assisted bikes that obstruct passengers from boarding and affect emergency evacuation;
Baggage item with a total weight exceeding 30 kilograms or with external dimensions (length, width, height) totaling more than 160 centimeters;
Other items that may affect metro operating order and safety.
Passengers are prohibited from the following behaviors within the premises of metro:
(一) 滋事斗毆、酒后鬧事、猥褻他人或者有其他違反公序良俗的行為;
Disturbance or fighting, causing a scene while under the influence of alcohol, harassing others, or engaging in other behaviors that violate public order and good customs;
(二) 攀爬或翻越隔離圍墻、護欄、護網、閘機等;
Climbing or crossing over isolation fences, guardrails, safety nets, gates, etc.;
(三) 擅自進入軌道線路、隧道、設備用房及辦公區域等禁止進入的區域;
Entering prohibited areas such as railway tracks, tunnels, equipment rooms, and office areas without authorization;
(四) 強拉車門或站臺門,阻止車門或站臺門關閉,強行上下車;
Forcing open train doors or platform gates, preventing them from closing, and boarding or alighting forcefully;
(五) 在自動扶梯上逆行、奔跑、打鬧;
Behavior such as walking backwards, running, and roughhousing on the escalator;
(六) 在地鐵站臺、站廳、出入口、通道擅自堆放雜物、停放車輛;在地鐵車站、車廂內擅自從事銷售、散發宣傳品等;
Placing sundry objects and parking vehicles on subway platforms, station halls, entrances and exits, and passageways without authorization; Engaging in sales and distributing promotional materials in subway stations and carriages without authorization;
(七) 在地鐵車站、車廂等地鐵設備設施上擅自涂寫、刻畫、張貼或者違反規定懸掛物品;
Offensive graffiti, carving, posting or hanging of items in violation of regulations on subway facilities such as metro stations and train cars;
(八) 吸煙、隨地吐痰、便溺以及亂扔口香糖、果皮、紙屑等廢棄物;
Smoking, spitting, urinating/defecating, and littering by throwing away chewing gum, fruit peels, paper scraps, and other waste;
(九) 在地鐵車站、車廂內乞討、賣藝、撿拾廢舊物品、大聲喧嘩、吵鬧,使用電子設備時外放聲音;
Begging, performing, scavenging, making loud noises, and using electronic devices with loud speakers in metro stations and cars.
(十) 在地鐵車廂內飲食;
Eating and drinking inside the train cars.
Wearing roller skates or riding a skateboard to board the train.
Other behaviors that may affect the operation order and riding environment of the metro.
Without the permission of the subway operating unit, filming for movies, TV dramas, advertisements, interviews or other related activities is prohibited within the station.
It is prohibited to engage in the following activities that pose a threat to the safety of metro operations:
(一) 擅自操作有警示標志的按鈕、開關裝置;非緊急狀態下動用緊急或安全裝置;
Operating buttons or switches with warning signs without authorization; using emergency or safety devices in non-emergency situations;
(二) 在列車駛入時,向來車方向使用帶有閃光裝置的設備;
Using equipment with flashing lights in the direction of incoming trains;
(三) 攔截列車、在軌道上丟棄或放置障礙物;
Stopping the train, tossing or placing obstacles on the track;
(四) 向列車、工程車以及其他設施投擲物品;
Throwing objects at trains, construction vehicles and other facilities;
(五) 干擾機電設備、電纜、通信信號系統;
Interference with mechanical and electrical equipment, cables, communication signal systems;
(六) 偽造、損害、遮蓋、擅自移動地鐵線路安全標志以及防護監測設備設施;
Forging, damaging, obscuring or moving subway line safety signs and protective monitoring equipment and facilities without authorization;
(七) 在地鐵出入口、風亭、電梯等設施五十米范圍內放置爆炸性、毒害性、放射性、腐蝕性物質或者其他危險品;
Placing explosive, toxic, radioactive, corrosive substances or other dangerous goods within 50 meters of subway entrances, ventilation pavilions, elevators and other facilities;
(八) 在地鐵地面線路彎道內側,修建妨礙行車瞭望的建(構)筑物,種植妨礙行車瞭望的樹木;
Construction of obstructive buildings or structures on the inside of the bends of subway ground tracks, and planting trees that obstruct the line of sight for train operators;
(九) 損壞地鐵相關設備設施;
Damaging metro related equipment and facilities;
(十) 其他危害地鐵設備設施或影響運營安全的行為。
Other actions that may pose a threat to the safety of metro equipment and facilities or negatively impact the safe operation of the metro;
Passengers who violate the Regulations and other relevant laws shall be punished in accordance with the Regulations and other relevant laws.
Passengers are kindly requested to comply with the above rules. Those who violate the rules and refuse to follow the advice will be handed over to the public security and relevant departments for legal action depending on the severity of the circumstances.
The Rules will come into force from January 1, 2018.